Dating Tips: Words To Avoid Using On Your Dating Profile

Are you ready to take your online dating game to the next level? It's time to revamp your profile and make sure you're presenting the best version of yourself. When it comes to describing yourself, steer clear of using negative language or putting yourself down. Instead of saying "I'm not great at..." or "I'm not looking for...", focus on the positive aspects of who you are and what you're looking for in a partner. Check out this review for some helpful tips on how to make your dating profile shine.

When it comes to online dating, your dating profile is your first impression. It's what potential matches will use to decide if they want to swipe right or left. That's why it's important to choose your words wisely. Certain words can send the wrong message or turn potential matches away. Here are some words to avoid using on your dating profile to increase your chances of finding a great match.

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One of the biggest turn-offs on a dating profile is negativity. Using words like "hate," "dislike," or "can't stand" can give off a negative vibe. Instead, focus on using positive language to showcase your personality and interests. For example, instead of saying "I hate drama," you could say "I value peace and harmony in my relationships."

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Generic Phrases

Avoid using generic phrases that don't really say much about you as a person. Phrases like "I love to have fun," "I'm laid-back," or "I enjoy going out or staying in" don't really tell potential matches anything unique about you. Instead, try to be specific and give examples of the things you enjoy doing. For example, instead of saying "I love to have fun," you could say "I enjoy hiking, trying new restaurants, and going to live music events."


Clichés are overused phrases that can make your profile seem unoriginal. Phrases like "I love long walks on the beach," "I'm looking for my soulmate," or "I'm a hopeless romantic" can come across as insincere. Instead, try to be more specific and original in your descriptions. For example, instead of saying "I love long walks on the beach," you could say "I enjoy spending time by the ocean, whether it's for a sunset walk or a day of beach volleyball."

Overused Buzzwords

Buzzwords can also be a turn-off on a dating profile. Words like "adventurous," "spontaneous," and "fun-loving" are used so often that they can lose their meaning. Instead of using these overused buzzwords, try to show these traits through your descriptions and examples of your interests and hobbies.

Sexual Innuendos

While it's important to be honest about what you're looking for in a relationship, it's best to avoid using sexual innuendos or explicit language on your dating profile. It can come across as disrespectful and may attract the wrong kind of attention. Instead, focus on getting to know someone on a deeper level and save the intimate conversations for when you've established a connection.

Excessive Self-Promotion

While it's great to be confident in yourself, excessive self-promotion can be a turn-off on a dating profile. Using words like "amazing," "perfect," or "the best" to describe yourself can come across as arrogant. Instead, focus on being humble and let your actions and personality speak for themselves. Show, don't tell.

Final Thoughts

Your dating profile is your chance to showcase who you are and what you're looking for in a potential match. By avoiding these words and phrases on your profile, you can increase your chances of attracting the right kind of attention and finding a great match. Remember to be authentic, positive, and specific in your descriptions, and you'll be on your way to finding a meaningful connection. Good luck!